 以下網誌中置頂文章最後的 INTERACTION FLASHVARS 設定說明原文.........


 ■ audio* (url):
You can set this flashvar to the location of an external mp3 file that should serve as an additional audiotrack. Use this for accessibility commentary, director's comments or, with the imagerotator, background music.
 ■ callback (url): Set this flashvar to the location of a serverside script (PHP/ASP) that can process callbacks. The players will send a callback every time an item starts/stops, so you can save statistics with the serverside script. More info can be found in this demonstration page. An example callback script is placed in the "extras" folder of the downloads.
 ■ captions (url): You can set this flashvar to the location of an external textfile with captions. The players support SMIL's TimedText format (example) and the SRT format (example) used with ripped DVD's. Set this flashvar to "captionate" if your FLV file has Captionate captions embedded. If you use multitrack Captionate captions, you can set this flashvar to "captionate0", "captionate3" etc. to display a certain track. A live example of different captions can be found here. You can also assign captions for every item in a playlist.
 ■ enablejs* (true,false): Set this to true to enable javascript interaction. This'll only work online! Javascript interaction includes playback control, asynchroneous loading of media files and return of track information to javascript.An example of all supported javascript functions can be found on this page.
 ■ fsbuttonlink (url): The players automatically shows a fullscreen button if a user has installed a capable flashplayer (from 9.0.28). With this flashvar, you can link to an alternative page to display a sort-of fullscreen version of the player. Use serverside variables or the getQueryParamValue() function of SWF Object to send the "file" and any other flashvars to that fullscreen-substitute page.
 ■ id (string): The unique identifier of the file to play. It will be sent to serverside callbacks(see below here, and is also used when using RTMP streams. In the latter case, the "file" flashvar points to the rtmp:// stream, and this "id" flashvar to the precise file to play. You can also assign an id for every item in a playlist.
 ■ javascriptid* (string): If you control multiple players/rotators with javascript, you can use this flashvar to give each of them a unique ID. It will be returned with every call to the getUpdate() event. Demo on this page.
 ■ link (url): Set here the url to an external URL, downloadeable version of the file, or force-download script you can use for downloading the file. A link defaults to the file location. You can assign link-clicks to the display (see below), the downloadbutton and every item in a playlist.
 linkfromdisplay* (true,false): You can set this flashvar to "true" to make a click on the image/video display to result in a jump to the "link" webpage. By default, a click on the display will play/pause the movie.
 ■ linktarget* (frame): The targetframe a link (from the display or playlist buttons) will open into. The default is "_self". Set it to "_blank" to open links in a new window.
 ■ streamscript (url): This flashvar is the URL of an optional script to use for 'fake streaming' FLV files, eg. through PHP, ASP or LigHTTPD. The parameters 'file' and 'pos' are sent to the script. An example file, "stream.php", can be found in the "extras" folder of the downloads. If you use the LigHTTPD FLV module, set this to the value "lighttpd". Note that all FLV files you want to fake-stream should have an array with keyframe-positions in their metadata! More info and a running example can be found at this page.
 ■ type (mp3,flv,rtmp,jpg,png,gif,swf,rbs): The players determine the type of file to play based upon the last three characters of the "file" flashvar. This method doesn't work if you use database id's or mod_rewrite to retrieve the files. Therefore you can set this flashvar to tell the players of which filetype the file you want to play is. The type is also assigned to every item in a playlist. If no match is found, the player assumes it loads a playlist.
 ■ useaudio (true,false): Set this to false to force the additional audiotrack to mute by default.
 ■ usecaptions (true,false): Set this to false to force the captions to hide by default.
 ■ usefullscreen (true,false): Set this flashvar to false if you don't want to use the flash9 fullscreen functionality. If you added a "fsbuttonlink" flashvar as well, this link will become the default action for the fullscreen page.
 ■ usekeys (true,false): Set this to false to disable keyboard input (SPACE,UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT) for the players. 

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